Let’s Talk Deodorant

First of all, we hate to be the bearer of bad news, but humans are not designed to wear deodorant. It is not our default state. We are supposed to sweat – it’s an essential process of our biological processes, and in fact, sweating may have given us a big evolutionary advantage. Blocking sweat glands has all kinds of consequences, from toxin build-up to a compromised immune system. 

Also – not all of us are genetically predisposed to produce body odor. A study found that people still wore deodorant even though they didn’t stink. From young adolescent ages, we are pressured by peers and parents to start applying the chemical concoctions to our armpits for no real reason other than it being socially acceptable.

And then, what happens is that those chemicals change our body’s bacteria and lead to a dependency on deodorant. That really stinks, guys. We want to keep our biological bacterial system intact.

Another to consider if you do produce body odor: you may be deficient in magnesium. We know many people who were able to stop body odor simply by supplementing with magnesium, an essential mineral that many are deficient in these days. We’ve even heard of people rubbing Milk of Magnesia on their pits with great results! In fact, we’re working on a magnesium-based deodorant for this very reason. Deodorant is not a one-size-fits-all kind of product. 

What’s In Deodorants

Commercial deodorants contain some or all of the following:  

Aluminum – may increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, bone and brain diseases as well as breast cancer. 

Triclosan – classified as a pesticide, this ingredient has been banned in soap products and in many countries due to the potential dangers. It affects hormones and heightens cancer risks, and we don’t understand how some brands get away with including it in their deodorants even in countries where it’s banned in soaps.

Parabens – mimic natural estrogens and end up contributing to early puberty in children, increased breast cancer risks in women, and decreased sperm production in males. 

Propylene Glycol – a byproduct of fossil fuel, found in anti-freeze, and a carcinogen.

BHT – may cause organ damage, particularly to the liver, kidneys and lung tissue.

Fragrances – depending on the cocktail, fragrances can lead to everything from breast cancer to developmental issues, decreased fertility and obesity.

The Mammary Chain

This is what your internal mammary chain looks like:

What goes on goes in. 

Deodorants are absorbed and travel these pathways and into lymph glands. The lymph system itself is connected all throughout your body, so those chemicals we listed above, who knows where they may end up. 

What we do know is that, in women with breast cancer, high levels of aluminum and deodorant parabens were found in nipple fluid. Breastfeeding mamas – please think about this! Your baby spends a lot of time nestled in your arms and against your breasts. Even though our bodies have a fantastic filtering system, why flood them with so many chemicals when we could use that energy to nourish our babes?

Studies also show a high incidence of breast cancer in the upper outer quadrant of the breast, nearest to where antiperspirants are applied (source). Remember, it’s good and healthy to perspire. Sweating allows the lymph nodes in our armpits to excrete excess hormones and toxins in the breast tissue. 

There Are Better Options

If you need deodorant (we do!) look for natural, organic solutions – preferably one that skips the bulky, single-use plastic containers. They can be pricey, but in good news, it’s very easy to Make Your Own Deodorant Bar at home! We take you through the process here.

Make Your Own Deodorant Bar

And if you don’t have time to DIY, we offer 2 variations of purely natural, organic deodorants that skip the plastic packaging.  Wyld Deodorant Bar and Deodorant Spray are both so easy to apply and contain no heavy butters like shea or cocoa which can feel greasy and just uncomfortable. Yet they’re highly effective for most people. We skip the cheap filler ingredients and the gender-biased marketing too. Both of our deodorants are formulated to work for everyone. 

Hope this helps you find the right deodorant for you. Feel free to comment below if we can help further!

[Featured title image is by @moonandcheeze – one to follow for sure!]

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